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Monday, September 2, 2024
What are BER Months?
Might you have doubts about What 'Ber' means or why it's called the ber months? So the simple answer is, there are 4 last months of the year-end with the ber suffix meaning SeptemBER, OctoBER, NovemBER, and DecemBER. Yes, the "BERS" are TVC’s most popular Villaging Season. Sleeping porcelain viruses start to wake up. Thoughts come to the front part of the brain. Display/Layout plans start circulating through the cerebellum and decisions on which holidays will be represented in your abode. Finances are checked and rechecked. Floor plans and spaces are debated, resolved, and decided upon. The “BERS” are when the seasonal villagers start to come out of hibernation and start the annual process of “display”. You remember - the family feuding, budget destroying, furniture moving, wonderful time of the year. Yes, time to come out of hibernation.
CLICK on a horn above for the Official "BER" Song
NOW . . . to start it off on correct footing . . . here's a special animated “BERS” greeting from all of us at TVC, to one and all. Just CLICK on the current month in the following graphic.
The Christmas countdown clock has indeed started with the "Celebration of the BERS” and we can thank the Philippines for it. "BER months" is the most important tradition of the Filipinos (Philippines) every year starting on the 1 September and ending in December. It's like a countdown to Christmas which spans from September to December. For Filipinos, the Bers are the most exciting months of celebration with family and friends such as fun activities, gatherings, shopping, and decorating. In this period, people are surprisingly happier and more liberal due to the festive vibes.
TVC Fun Fact
Depending on your style of attack or the size of your display, it’s time to start thinking about what you want to do this year. Others may be in the planning stages already. And the really serious may have started construction for Halloween or ??? No matter whether you are in action or denial, keep in mind that the “BERS” are here and Christmas is closer than you thought, and after all, wasn’t this the year you were going to start your display early?
Or maybe this is the year to just read about it on TVC.
We think this season is so neat, that we felt it should
have a theme song. Something to run through your mind
while you're dreaming about your future villaging efforts.
This is one suggestion of what it could be . . .
Click on the "Headphones" to hear & see our suggestion.
Be sure to "crank it up" to feel the fun.