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The listings here are not sponsors, not spam, and they did not pay to be here. They are here because they have been recommended by TVC, or submitted by villagers in our community. We try our best to keep the listings current and safe. If you have trouble with a link, or wish to share a listing with everyone, please let us know through the "Contact Us" page. Here are many more opportunities for "Inspiration, Information & Fun". After all . . . "It Takes a Village to Make a Village" ™
Explore & Enjoy!
Our only advertising is by "word-of-mouth" and if you'd like to help us, please add a link to us on your website or social media. We've included these logos to help make it easier for you. The first one is a "png" file, and the second one is a "jpg" file. Link to: www.TheVillageCollector.com We've also included a "QR" file to the TVC website for your convenience. And of course . . . don't forget to tell your friends.
Here's the "QR" code for the website.
Thank you - We really appreciate your help!
Contact: Magnus at: jigidi@jigidi.com
Jigidi is a free online community for jigsaw puzzle lovers from all over the world. A jigsaw puzzle community that runs on curiosity, creativity and kindness. It is a family-owned business, run by Magnus and Mette. Jigidi was launched in 2007 in Denmark and had just a few active users. Jigidi has since grown in size, with a large number of puzzles within any given category - 4,4 million published puzzles. All created by Jigidiers! We have a vast community of committed and generous Jigidiers, with around 50,000 daily unique user visits and more than 400,000 monthly unique user visits.
Special THANKS to JIGIDI for the help with The Village Collector "Village Jigsaw" page.
2025 the "Second Villaging"
The largest independent gathering of
Villagers Worldwide.
Coming Saturday, November 8, 2025.
Click on the Logo above or below for more
information about the Second Mega-Event.
Don't miss it, it's free!
Your village will thank you.
What do you like best about
You'll find it here . . . and much more!
Click above for the best Christmas Forum
anywhere! You won't believe how many
topics could be about Christmas. You'll
have lots of fun exploring and finding out!
"Our TVC Forum"
(by MyMerryChristmas.com)
Click on any snowman for Villaging Fun
A great forum for model railroad/villaging fans.
OGF's main focus is on the most popular size
trains used in village displays, O-Gauge. The
discontinued D56Club forum has been absorbed
into this forum, and now has a thread here.
A friendly place to explore.
Lionel Trains Fans
This is the forum for all things Lionel.
A great way to find lots of
"Inspiration, Information & Fun"
Our Favorite Blog
(covers all things Christmas, and lots of fun)
by Art Kilmer
If you like Christmas, you'll love these blogs!
TVC has been featured on episodes
November 10, 2020 July 26, 2021 & March 7, 2022
Art also writes the popular TVC Column
Need help with your model trains?
Blog/Forum/??? - Whatever you call it,
it's a great source of help based in New Zealand.
by Robert Anderson
Covers all kinds of things about model trains,
locomotives, layouts, scenery, wiring, and
more. I've been following this awesome
resource for over a decade.
Highly recommended.
A great travel blog
with incredible photography.
Non-villaging, but you'll be glad you checked
this out. Peter's a great friend who has taken
me around the world vicariously for many decades.
My Favorite Publication
There was a time, in the "Golden Age of Villaging", that there were dozens of great magazines, newsletters and books that were hand delivered by "high-paid" government officials. (not allowed to say "mailman" any more) And then . . . there was only one. Fortunate we are, that it is a high gloss, thick paper, well written and colorful quarterly. When I receive my copy, work is done for the day. This is a must read for collectors of Department 56 villages.
"Village D-Lights"
Covering all Dept56 releases and retirements,
displays, collectors, industry news and more.
Back issues also available.
Contact: Polly L. Clark, Publisher
(800) 765-1690 (319) 240-4595
Everyone who is a collector needs a price guide to help curate their collection. This comprehensive, two-binder reference set is invaluable for collectors of Department 56. I never miss an update. Highly recommended.
"Village D-Tails Price Guide"
Contact: Polly L. Clark, Publisher
(800) 765-1690 (319) 240-4595
"The O Scale Resource"
Free On-Line Magazine
Click on the cover photo above to go to their site.
I've received this magazine, and their free sister
publication "S Scale Resource" for years. Full
of information, easy read, and many writers.
Includes a lot of articles by Jim Kellow
(who has also written columns for TVC)
Both Highly recommended!
"Model Railroad Hobbyist"
Free On-Line Magazine
Click on the above cover photo to go to their website.
Lots of neat articles, photos, news, tips and more.
I've been getting this for years and really enjoy it.
Country N More Gifts
WebSite: https://countrynmoregifts.com/
Contact: https://countrynmoregifts.com/pages/contact-us
46950 100th Street, Tea, South Dakota 57064
(877) 781-4438
A family owned business in the Village industry since 1979.
"The Best Loyalty Rewards Program in the Business"
Fast Free Shipping Over $25
You'll love your visit to this old-school Christmas shop.
500 Riverside Drive, Clayton, New York, 13624
(315) 686-1906 Peterson@gisco.net
Highly Recommended
Great Selections - Great People - Fun Place
St. Nick Nicks Christmas Shop
(inside "Callahan's of Calabash")
9973 Beach Dr SW, Calabash, NC 28467
(910) 579-2611
Website: callahansgifts.com
Want Amazing? You won't believe this place.
A true vacation destination place
for all Village Collectors.
(and they do overseas shipping)
25 Christmas Lane, PO Box 176
Frankenmuth, MI 48734-0176
(989) 652-9931
Customer Service: customerservice@bronner.com
Website: www.bronners.com Blog: Bronner's Blog
Southern California's Largest Holiday Store
Large Displays - Fun to Visit
1212 Knoxville Street, San Diego, CA 92110
(800) 262-5335
Website: City Lights Collectibles
Email: info@citylightscollectibles.com
Facebook: City Lights
St. Nick's Christmas & Collectibles
5221 S Santa Fe Dr. Littleton, CO 80120
(800) 875-8865 (303) 798-8087
Website: stnicks.com
Email: admin@stnicks.com
The Best Choice
for retired Department 56 villages!
Huge selection & hard-to-find items.
Website: www.dept56retirees.com
Email: dept56retirees@gmail.com
Phone Orders: (248) 518-0477
Website: www.NorthPoleChristmasShop.com
Blog: News From The North Pole
Facebook: northpolechristmas
Email: info@northpole.ltd
Largest range of
Christmas brands in Australia
Phone: 1300 4 ELVES (35837)
Website: www.ChristmasElves.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/christmaselves
827 Burwood Hwy. Ferntree Gully, Victoria, Australia
10 Gower Street, Preston, Victoria, Australia
Christmas in July is Magical With the Elves
Australia's First Christmas Themed Store
The Christmas Shop
Family Run & Full of Wonder
Website: thechristmasshop.com.au
292-296 Rocky Point Road
Ramsgate, Sydney, NSW, 2217 Australia
Phone: (02) 9529 2512
Outside Australia: +612 9529 2512
Email: christmasmagic@thechristmasshop.com.au
Email: christmasmagic@bigpond.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheChristmasShopSydney/
"Not Just a Shop, an Experience"
The Christmas Shop Location
Entrance 4, Upper Level Shop
Baywest Mall, 100 Baywest Boulevard
Hunters Retreat Port Elizabeth 6017 South Africa
The Christmas Shop Office
20 Weybridge Estate, 19 Dentree Road
Weybridge Park, Port Elizabeth 6070, South Africa
Phone: 082 4430389
Website: www.thechristmasshop.co.za
facebook: www.facebook.com/thechristmasshopZAR
Email Pauline: pauline@thechristmasshop.co.za
"A tourist destination for the child in all of us"
Seeking Recommendations
When summer gives way to winter and the magic of Christmas approaches, we transform our store into an enchanted kingdom. Our Christmas decorations are a riot of lights, colors and festive atmosphere. From the perfect Christmas tree to sparkling lights, through every type of decoration that allows you to create a magical and unforgettable atmosphere in your home, Gloria Store is here to make your Christmas wishes a reality.
Website: GloriaStore.it
Via San Francesco a Patria n° 300 (NA)
Tel: 0818395713
Mobile: 3511257314
Seeking Recommendations
I find these links helpful. So, selflessly these are here for me. But, of course, you may use them also. You might find surprises as you explore, or just find a convenient location to find your old favorites. Plenty of Inspiration, Information & Fun!
Click on each logo for their link.
How would you like to set up your village in 30 minutes?
Want to be able to set up and take down quickly for a trade
show, convention or just to change rooms for parties etc.
An active member of our community (from Italy) has
invented a really cool solution. Click on the picture above
to see a neat video. (There is a "translation" button on
the home page). Check it out.
Contact: Cesare
eMail: info.minivillages@gmail.com
A great resource with weekly zoom meetings and
more. Run by Jim Kellow, who's previously shared his
knowledge with us in columns about model railroading.
Awesome Italian website that is chock full
of villaging information. I learn something
every time I go here.
My village of choice. I especially like the
buildings from the late 80s to the mid 90s
in the "Heritage Village" selections.
If you are a fan of Department 56, you need
to explore this site. It covers only Department
56, but has the most information I've seen on
one site. Every collector needs background to
curate their collection, and you'll find it here.
Email: Chronicler@TheVillageChronicler.com
An association for Department 56 clubs.
The most popular village maker worldwide.
A lot of different villages to choose from.
You'll see many Lemax villages throughout
The Village Collector website.
Erzgebirge is not well known yet in the U.S.
but most in Europe know it well. Absolutely
stunning wooden craftsmanship! Also check
out the Palace's home page to see amazing
items. I love their nutcrackers.
If you build your displays & layouts using
foam, you have to be familiar with these
tools. Your village will be easier to build,
and look better when finished, after
trying these tools and accessaries.
(866) 735-9255 sales@hwff.com
If you like realistic scenes, you need
products from here. This picture tells
you all you need to know.
(573) 346-5555 for more information
Scenic Express is another popular source
for knowledge and supplies for DIYers. You'll
see their products in hobby shops everywhere.
Email: customerservice@scenicexpress.com
Not only is Walthers a neat source of information
about model railroads, but their famous annual
catalog has been anticipated by many, for decades.
1-800-4-TRAINS has been memorized by kids to
seniors for years. Check out this source website.
One of villagers' most famous source for trains.
Also my favorite source. I have three engines
and all are Bachmann. Super quality.
Email: webstore@bachmanntrains.com
Fellow members of the MyMerryChristmas forum.
Good people to deal with. If you like retro, like
I do, check them out. Now they make villages too.
(727) 303-0250