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all shape TVC into a fun and interesting place to visit
for all of us. You are appreciated!
For the most popular destinations on TVC . . .
Check out The Village Collector's Columnists.
Catch up with back episodes of your favorites, or,
discover more surprises and sources of Inspiration,
Information & Fun! It's time to explore!
"Just So You Know...."
by David Spears. Minnesota, USA
"Show Your Village to the World"
by Jim Peters, Kentucky, USA
"From Italy - Villaging in Europe"
by Peppe Apuleo, Italy
"Christmas Corner"
by Art Kilmer, Iowa, USA
"A Dickens Christmas"
by Larry Treadwell, North Carolina, USA
by Larry Treadwell, North Carolina, USA
If you like statistics and things, check out the
"Our Community" page to see how many villagers
are currently dropping by, where we are visiting
from, and more. Also, the "Breaking News" page
is a good place to find out the latest happenings.